Monday, March 24, 2014

Dr. Lilian Katz: What Should Children Be Learning? | 92Y Parenting & Family

Dr. Lilian Katz is a renowned leader in Public Early Childhood Education. Here she is presenting on children learning standards and the foundation stage.  My favored quote by her is stated at 33:18 in the video.  "Teacher's tell me they are teaching their children listening skills, by the way, most children already have them just try whispering."   I love the candor and simple honesty in her retort.


  1. When I first read your favorite quote from this speech I initially thought "well yea but we have to teach students how to tease information out of something they have heard". But as I thought on the quote more I took away that children are going to watch and listen to what re do regardless of whether we think they are or not. The more important piece is whether or not we are using our time wisely with them. We can teach them to listen just by listening by listening to them, being the example through action rather than word.

  2. Hello, It was great learning with you over the last eight weeks! Your blog was amazing and provided great information and resources. I feel so lucky to have shared the past eight weeks with such amazing people.

    Thanks again,
    Shadia Berry

  3. I enjoyed this video. I have not watched the entire thing, but plan to do so. I laughed when she said you just have to whisper because children are listening. I also enjoyed and agreed what she said previously about reading and disposition. I am a firm believer that reading for children enhances their academic skills and helps them as they grow with comprehension and even a more broad imagination. Thanks for sharing this video!
