Monday, May 26, 2014

Is Common Core Ruining Childhood?

Another One bites, the dust ! A popular Blogger, that I follow shared this well articulated letter from a parent to her child's school district, read it, no really read it, print it out and read it. Ask yourself, is common core helping us up or down? How does common core move resistant teachers who are teacher directed and refuse to change their instructional strategies? Are our inner city children equip with the social emotional competence to effectively engage in the cognition required to manage academic content? I don't ask this questions as a cynic, but a champion for children who believes their are educators in the schools of the nation's capitol who are striving to make a difference, however, they are being overlooked as veteran educators and complacent admin teams do nothing and are not held accountable.

Kindergarten Lifestyle: What About "UN- Common" Kids?: Hi friends....I bring something new... and perhaps a bit controversial today. It's a subject that has tugged at my heart for many mo...

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